Latest Press Releases

Thai Banking System is ready to provide continuing financial services during the COVID-19 Outbreak.

Pursuant to the Prime Minister's announcement yesterday of the Cabinet's resolution to exercise the Royal Decree regarding Public Administration during Emergencies B.E. 2548 (Royal Decree) to enhance the measures to control the spread of COVID-19 infection to a higher-level effective 26 March 2020,

The Bank of Thailand (BOT), the Thai Bankers' Association, the Association of International Banks and the Government Financial Institutions Association announce that all member banks and financial institutions have prepared Business Continuity Plans to enable customers and the general public to continue to utilize important services such as deposit, withdrawal, money transfer and various credit services to supplement customer liquidity in addition to various programs to assist businesses and individual customers previously announced, including the latest measures announced yesterday which details will be duly announced.

Services are available through various channels, at bank branches and business offices, which will be open for service as often as possible. Available channels include digital channels such as ATM and CDM, internet banking, mobile banking, phone banking and Call Centers. Digital channels are available continuously 24 hours a day. We request your cooperation in regularly monitoring your financial information and exercising caution against fraudulent access to personal information and financial information including email and passwords utilized in the course of financial transactions.

Banks hold the health, safety and well-being of our customers and employees at the highest level of importance. As such, banks shall diligently follow the hygiene standards set by the Ministry of Public Health which include increased cleaning frequency and dedicating sufficient space in bank branches to allow customers to be no less than 1.5 meters apart while waiting for services (social distancing).

As the COVID-19 outbreak has impacted the economy, the Bank of Thailand (BOT), the Thai Bankers' Association, the Association of International Banks and the Government Financial Institutions Association will, together, ensure that the public continues to have access to financial services as well as assistance related to various government measures to alleviate the financial impact on day to day living and in the conduct of business. Every individual has an important role to play in screening information, in particular information received via social media, and to exercise discretion against sharing false news in order to help avoid panic and possible misrepresentations. Questions may be addressed through the Call Centers or websites of the Bank of Thailand or any bank at

25th March 2020
For More information, please contact
Strategic Communications and Customer Advocacy
United Overseas Bank (Thai) Pcl.
Nida Puwanich Tel. 0-2343-4963