What You Need to Know About Branch Services


Frequently asked questions

How many UOB branches are there in Thailand?
There are currently 144 UOB branches in Thailand. Please refer to our UOB Services Locator page for a list of locations.

Will I be still be able to perform outward remittances at the branches?

Yes, you are able to request overseas transfers at our UOB branches . Please inform the sender of your new UOB deposit account number, account name, and UOB Thailand’s SWIFT code UOVBTHBK.  Any inward remittance attempt into your previous Citi account numbers will be unsuccessful. You will be able to receive funds through your new UOB deposit account from 22 April 2024 onwards.

Can I still apply for a new safe deposit box at Interchange 21 branch?  Will there be any change to the price?  And if so, what can I do to get the same price at Citi?

New Safe Deposit Box opening service at Interchange 21 is not available. Customers are invited to apply for new safe deposit boxes at UOB Plaza, available to Privilege Banking customers or those with AUM of THB 10 million and above. The fees follow UOB safe deposit box fee for Privilege Banking segment.

Branch Services

How many UOB branches are there in Thailand?

There are currently 144 UOB branches in Thailand. Please refer to the UOB Services Locator page for a list of locations.   

UOB SSB operates 24 hours daily; however, for certain SSB it is subject to the service hour of the building/department store. 

You are able to request overseas transfers at UOB branches. Please inform the sender of your new UOB deposit account number, account name, and UOB Thailand’s SWIFT code UOVBTHBK.  Any inward remittance attempt into your previous Citi account numbers will be unsuccessful. 

Safe Deposit Box

Can I still apply for a new safe deposit box at Interchange 21 branch?  Will there be any change to the price?

New Safe Deposit Box opening service at Interchange 21 is not available. Customers are invited to apply for new safe deposit boxes at UOB Plaza, available to Privilege Banking customers or those with AUM of THB 10 million and above. The fees follow UOB safe deposit box fee for Privilege Banking segment.

Yes, Safe Deposit Boxes are ​available for UOB Privilege Banking Customers subject to terms and conditions.

You can also reach us via the following UOB Call Centre: