The Bank would like to inform you that if you hold multiple credit cards or Cash Plus cards, each with a different billing cycle dates will be unified to same date, effective from August onwards. You may check your billing cycle, minimum payment and payment due date which will be calculated according to the new billing cycle date in the statement via your preferred channel. The repayment period is interest-free if the full amount is paid by the due date, with a maximum of 55 days from the date of the previous statement summary
- Q : Why can’t I select multiple cycles for each card under the same product?
A : As UOB's system allows for single billing cycle per customer , you will not be able to request a different billing cycle for
each of your card. However, one billing cycle will provides the convenience of having a single statement date, one payment
due date and one statement (after the billing cycle is aligned within each product).
- Q : Can I request to change my billing cycle date after it has been aligned?
A: Yes, you can request to change your billing cycle date via our website by selecting Personal Banking, then select Services, and select Request Statement Date Change.