InsuranceMortgage InsurancePRU MRTA Double Care

PRU MRTA Double Care

Ensuring You Get Peace of Mind
In the Event of Unexpected Occurrences,
Your Home Will Stay with Your Loved Ones

  • Single Premium Payment
  • Life Protection and Total and Permanent Disability
    Coverage up to 100% of Sum Assured
    (Reducing Coverage according to Protection Table)
  • Additional Coverage of Accidental Death Benefit
    up to 100% of Sum Assured
    (Level Coverage throughout the Contract)

Underwriting Conditions

Eligible Age 20 - 65 years old, Coverage up to age 70 years
Coverage Period 5 - 30 years
Sum Assured Coverage Minimum


All case of loss of life Lender and Co-lender  at 100,000 per person Each lender and co-lender not exceeding 100% of home loan amount
Accidental death Each lender and co-lender not exceeding 100% of home loan amount and limited up to 10 million baht
Total Permanent and Disability Each lender and co-lender not exceeding 100% of home loan amount and limited up to 40 million baht
Mode of payment Single Premium Payment
Premium The rate depends upon the insured’s age and gender
Medical Check-up Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) PLC. reserves the rights to require a medical check-up under the company’s underwriting policy.

The 1st beneficiary: The bank providing the home loan

The 2nd beneficiary: The lender and heirs for what is left after loan settlement to the 1st beneficiary


Death Benefit
  • Loss of life by illness or accident, receive a 100% of reducing sum assured according to the policy table*
  • Accidental death benefit, receive additional 100% of sum assured at a level term throughout the contract

*The sum assured will be reduced according to the policy contract table and will be aligned with the home loan instalment.  In order to maximize the product benefit, the insured is recommended to apply for the sum assured equal to the initial home loan amount and pay the loan amount according to the bank’s home loan contract

Total Permanent Disability Coverage

The compensation will be paid into 2 instalments within 12 months.

1) The first 50% of the reducing sum assured will be paid in the event of ongoing total permanent disability for not less than 180 days

2) The remaining 50% of the reducing sum assured if the total permanent disability continues for not less than 180 days

3) No coverage for disability occurring after the policy anniversary date that the insured reaches age of 60 years

  • Premium paid for life insurance policies with coverage period of 10 years and above can be entitled for personal income tax deduction for up to the maximum of 100,000 Baht per year (as per the Department of Revenue’s regulations).
  • Customers have right to or not to apply for credit life insurance coverage, as this does not affect loan approval.
  • This product is a life insurance product and is not a deposit. To secure the complete benefit of the policy contract, the policyholder should make a premium payment thoroughly throughout the premium payment period as well as holding the policy contract until its maturity.  In case the policy contract is terminated prior to its maturity, the policyholder is subject to risk of not getting the premium paid or not getting the premium paid back in full amount.
  • It is the responsibility of the insured to make premium payments. Life insurance brokers only facilitate the service.
  • Buyers have to study and understand policy terms and conditions before making a decision to buy a life insurance policy.
  • Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) PLC. reserves the rights to require a medical check-up under the company’s underwriting policy.
  • Conditions for non-coverage:
    • In case of material misrepresentation or false statement, the Company shall void the policy within 1 year from the policy effective date or the renewal date or the reinstatement date or the date the Company approves the increase of sum assured, only for the increased amount.
    • The Insured commits suicide within 1 year from the policy effective date or the renewal date or the reinstatement date or the date the Company approves the increased sum assured, only for the increased amount, or is murdered by the beneficiary.
  • The insured is entitled to terminate the Contract by surrendering the Policy, and receive the Cash Surrender Value according to the amount specified in the policy value table, together with other benefits he or she is entitled to receive, less any outstanding debts.”
  • This document is not the policy contract. The details of complete coverage and non-coverage terms and conditions are specified in the policy contract.
  • PRU MRTA Double Care is the marketing name of Group Life Insurance - Single Premium Payment

UOB, in its capacity as the insurance broker license number Chor 00026/2545 will facilitate the insurance transaction and premium payments only, while Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited will be responsible for providing the coverage and benefits as stated in the insurance contract.

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